Reconnect with Your Body and Mind with Somatic Massage Therapy

Somatic massage is more than just a physical treatment; it's a holistic journey toward overall wellness.

For those seeking a comprehensive approach to health, somatic massage therapy offers a unique blend of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Discover the benefits of somatic massage and learn what to expect from a therapy session at our holistic wellness clinic.

Whether you're a busy professional, an athlete, or someone dealing with chronic pain or stress, this therapy addresses your specific needs. Our serene environment and skilled practitioners ensure a personalized and transformative healing experience.

What is a Somatic Massage?

Somatic massage therapy is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the body as a whole, integrating physical touch with an awareness of the body's internal experiences. Unlike traditional massage techniques that primarily target muscle tension, somatic massage therapy aims to release stored stress and trauma from the body, fostering a deeper connection between the mind and body.

The principle of bodily massage is the belief that the body holds onto emotional and psychological experiences. By addressing these through targeted massage techniques, clients can achieve physical relief and emotional and mental clarity. Techniques often involve slow, deliberate strokes, deep tissue manipulation, guided breathing, and mindfulness practices.

Somatic massage originated in the early 20th century, influenced by pioneers in bodywork and psychotherapy. It incorporates elements from various disciplines, including the Alexander Technique, the Feldenkrais Method, and Rolfing. This fusion of techniques makes somatic massage a unique and versatile therapy that addresses body, mind, and spirit interconnectedness.

The Benefits of Somatic Massage

Somatic massage offers many benefits beyond the immediate relief of muscle tension. These long-term advantages can bring hope and optimism to those seeking to improve their physical and mental well-being.

Physical Benefits:

  • Somatic massage alleviates chronic pain conditions, including back, neck, and joint discomfort.

  • Increases range of motion and flexibility by reducing muscle stiffness and improving circulation.

  • Develops a heightened sense of body awareness, leading to better posture, coordination, and overall physical health.

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

  • It promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress by calming the nervous system.

  • It helps release stored emotional tension and trauma, facilitating emotional healing and resilience.

  • Somatic massage improves sleep quality and patterns, essential for overall health and well-being.

Numerous studies support the benefits of somatic massage. Research has shown that massage therapy can significantly reduce cortisol levels, a primary stress hormone, and increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with happiness and relaxation.

Meet our Somatic Massage Therapist

  • Chris Delos Reyes


  • Fiona Thomson


What to Expect in a Somatic Massage Therapy Session

When you book a somatic massage therapy session at our holistic wellness clinic, you can expect a personalized and deeply therapeutic experience.

Initial Consultation: Your first session will begin with a brief consultation to discuss your health history, current concerns, and therapy goals. The consultation helps the therapist tailor the session to your needs, ensuring a customized approach to your well-being.

The Massage Environment: Our therapy rooms are serene and calming, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto. Soft lighting, soothing music, and a comfortable massage table create the perfect setting for relaxation and healing.

The Massage Process:

  • The therapist will start with a gentle assessment, observing your posture and asking you to perform simple movements to identify areas of tension and discomfort.

  • The massage involves slow, deliberate strokes and deep tissue manipulation. The therapist often starts with lighter pressure to warm the muscles before moving into more profound techniques. The therapist encourages mindful breathing and awareness throughout the session, helping you connect with your body and release tension.

  • Some therapists may incorporate guided relaxation or visualization techniques to enhance the therapeutic effects of the massage.

Post-Massage Reflection

After the massage, the therapist will give you time to rest and integrate the experience. They may also provide aftercare advice, such as hydration, gentle stretching, or mindfulness exercises, to prolong the therapy's benefits.

Each session is unique and tailored to your needs. Whether you seek relief from physical pain or emotional stress or wish to enhance your overall wellness, our therapists provide the highest-quality care.


  • Unlike traditional massage, which primarily targets muscle tension, somatic massage therapy addresses the body, including the mind and emotional experiences. It often involves slow, deliberate strokes, deep tissue manipulation, and mindfulness practices.

  • Somatic massage therapy benefits anyone, including busy professionals, athletes, individuals dealing with chronic pain or stress, and those seeking overall wellness. It is tailored to meet each client's specific needs.

  • The frequency of sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Some clients benefit from weekly sessions, while others may find monthly sessions sufficient for maintaining their wellness.

  • Somatic massage therapy is generally safe for most people. However, it's important to discuss any medical conditions or concerns with your therapist before starting treatment to ensure it is appropriate for you.

  • To prepare for a session, wear comfortable clothing, stay hydrated, and arrive early to relax and discuss any specific concerns or goals with your therapist.

Book Your Somatic Massage Today

Ready to experience the transformative power of somatic massage? Our holistic wellness clinic in downtown Toronto is here to help you achieve optimal well-being.