Discover the power of hypnosis and past life exploration to achieve personal growth and healing.

Unlock Your Past, Transform Your Present

Hypnosis and past-life exploration are powerful tools for overcoming deep-rooted fears, gaining clarity, and achieving emotional and physical well-being. Here, we explore these practices' transformative potential, explain how sessions work, and introduce our expert, Fiona Thomson.

Why Choose Hypnosis and Past Life Exploration?

Hypnosis and past life exploration offer unique benefits that traditional therapies often cannot provide. Here are some of the key advantages:

Overcome Deep-Rooted Fears and Anxieties

Hypnosis allows individuals to access the subconscious mind, where many deep-seated fears and anxieties reside. By addressing these issues at their core, clients can experience profound and lasting relief. Whether it's a fear of public speaking, anxiety about social situations, or other phobias, hypnosis can help to neutralize these fears and improve overall quality of life.

Gain Clarity and Insight into Your Life

Past-life exploration can provide unparalleled insight into current life challenges. By understanding patterns and experiences from previous lifetimes, clients can better understand their present circumstances. This deeper understanding can help clients make informed decisions and embrace life with renewed purpose and direction.

Heal Emotional and Physical Trauma

Trauma, whether emotional or physical, can leave lasting scars that affect daily life. Hypnosis and past life exploration can help uncover and address these traumas, facilitating healing and recovery. Clients can release lingering pain and move forward with peace and wholeness by revisiting and processing past events in a safe and controlled environment.

Enhance Personal Growth and Self-Understanding

These practices promote significant personal growth by fostering a deeper connection with oneself. Clients often report increased self-awareness, better emotional regulation, and enhanced well-being. By exploring the depths of the subconscious mind and past experiences, individuals can better understand their true selves and life's purpose.

Meet our Certified Hypnotist

  • Fiona Thomson


How does Hypnosis and Past Life Exploration Sessions Work

Understanding the process of hypnosis and past life exploration can help you feel more comfortable and prepared for your first session. Here's an overview of what you can expect:

The Hypnosis Process

  1. Your journey begins with an initial consultation, during which you discuss your goals, concerns, and previous experiences with hypnosis. This helps the therapist tailor the session to your specific needs.

  2. The session starts with the induction phase, where the therapist guides you into deep relaxation. This process involves calming techniques such as focused breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and soothing visualizations.

  3. Once you are relaxed, the therapist will use deepening techniques to enhance your level of hypnosis. This step may involve guided imagery or repeated suggestions to deepen your trance.

  4. The therapist will address the issues discussed during your consultation in this phase. This process may include a journey to past experiences, positive suggestion therapy, or other techniques to achieve your goals.

  5. The therapist gently guides you to full awareness, ensuring you feel relaxed and refreshed. You'll have time to discuss your experience and any insights gained during the session.

The Past Life Exploration Process

  1. Preparation: Similar to hypnosis, past life exploration begins with an initial discussion about your objectives and any questions you might have. The therapist explains the process and ensures you feel comfortable.

  2. Induction and Deepening: The induction and deepening phases are similar to those in a standard hypnosis session, guiding you into a deeply relaxed and receptive state.

  3. Exploration: The therapist guides you to recall past life memories in a safe and controlled manner, allowing you to explore these memories without becoming overwhelmed. The therapist may ask questions to help you describe your experiences and gain insights.

  4. Integration: After the exploration, the therapist enables you to integrate the insights and lessons from the session into your current life. This phase is crucial for understanding and applying the knowledge gained.

  5. Reorientation: The session concludes with a gentle return to full awareness, followed by a discussion of your experiences and any questions you might have.

What People Are Saying

Thank you Fiona for great massage therapy. She was on point, very understanding and even after therapy she gave me tips what exersizes can help me to prevent soreness in shoulders. I definitely will come back!.”

— Valeriya

There's something super special about this team of practitioners at Holistic Connection. April, Chris, and Fiona are all intuitive and masters at their crafts. They are caring, kind and really take precious care of you during your treatment time. I'm grateful to have found this team of practitioners to help facilitate my healing. Thank you April, Chris and Fiona

— Taranee

I had the pleasure of going to Fiona for an Ensofic Reiki session. Reiki has been a treatment I have sought after for a few years. Ever since my last reiki master moved away, I had yet to find anyone and Fiona was offering her expertise. I was truly impressed by her knowledge and her attention to detail.

— Marianne


  • Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often accompanied by deep relaxation. A trained therapist facilitates hypnosis by using verbal cues and imagery to guide the client into this state. Once in hypnosis, the subconscious mind becomes more accessible, allowing for therapeutic interventions such as positive suggestion and visualization to address various issues.

  • During a past life exploration session, you can expect to enter a state of deep relaxation similar to hypnosis. The therapist will guide you to recall and explore memories from past lives. This exploration is done safely and controlled, ensuring you remain comfortable. The session concludes with a period of integration, where the insights gained are discussed and understood.

  • Yes, hypnosis is a safe and natural state that many people experience daily, such as when deeply engrossed in a book or daydreaming. When conducted by a trained and certified therapist, hypnosis is a safe and effective therapeutic tool. It is important to note that you are always in control during hypnosis and can end the session anytime if you feel uncomfortable.

  • The frequency of sessions depends on your individual goals and needs. Some clients may initially benefit from weekly sessions, followed by maintenance sessions once a month. Others may find that a single session provides the insights and healing they need. Your therapist will work with you to develop a personalized plan that suits your specific situation.

  • After a session, it is essential to take some time to relax and reflect on the experience. Drinking water and engaging in gentle activities help integrate the insights gained. Journaling about your session and noting any thoughts, feelings, or memories that arise is also beneficial. Your therapist may provide additional aftercare instructions to support your healing and personal growth.

  • No, unfortunately you cannot claim this service under your insurance benefits.

Book Your Appointment Today

Are you ready to unlock the power of hypnosis and past life exploration? Our holistic wellness clinic is here to guide you on your path to healing and self-discovery.

By booking a session with Fiona Thomson, you are taking a significant step towards overcoming fears, gaining clarity, healing trauma, and enhancing personal growth. Don't wait to start your journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled life.